FOXTENN revolutionizes accuracy by using more than 40 ultra high-speed cameras (2.500 fps), which are capable of generating more than 100.000 images per second. It basically catches everything that happens on the court; anywhere from minute detail to every unthinkable angle.
Precision is also guaranteed by the positions of the cameras at the end of the court lines, at ground level, in order to be able to see exactly how the ball bounces as close as possible. Being able to see the ball from the ground allows the system to notice the actual contact of ball's lower curve and the real contact mark on the surface, which is not possible in the case of an elevated camera like the ones being used in the current traditional systems.
Moreover, FOXTENN uses a high-speed laser scanner system in combination with the cameras in order to track each and every movement the player takes and every bounce of the ball within millimeters, which makes the system incredibly accurate, reliable and unique.